Tuesday, July 14, 2015

How much can you make as a landlord?

Thinking about becoming a landlord? I’m putting the finishing touches on my book — What You Must Know BEFORE Becoming a Greedy Landlord — that will give you the ins and outs of what it takes to be a successful landlord.

Meanwhile, you can check out RealtyTrac’s data on average rental returns for three-bedroom properties in 285 counties nationwide. So far this year the average return is about 9%; in 2011 it was 10%. Some markets are showing an average gross rental yield of over 17%.

In the county where I live, the average yield is 8%. The highest-yielding zip code showed 13.4%. The zip code with lowest return came in at 4.9%.

These numbers provide a very rough idea of the possibilities in your area. But they’re not good enough if you’re serious about becoming a successful landlord. In What You Must Know BEFORE Becoming a Greedy Landlord, I’ll show you how to more accurately determine potential yields so you can maximize your returns and minimize the chance of making a lousy investment.

Stay tuned, and I’ll let you know when
What You Must Know BEFORE Becoming a Greedy Landlord is available in print and Kindle formats. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post. Recently, I have been interested in buying apartments around a nearby college campus. I was thinking about renting them out to college kids. I remember apartment hunting when I was in college, I thought the prices were overly expensive. I'll make sure I do my research before I decide to go through with this idea.
