Vermont senator has raised an impressive $10 million in less than one week.
this past weekend he hosted the first official campaign rally in Brooklyn
promising a political awakening that will send him to the White House.
message hasn’t changed much since 2016 …
Back then, Sanders made no bones about it: He wanted
free stuff for everyone. The self-proclaimed
Democratic Socialist offered the moon.
For instance,
- College education, FREE
- World peace, FREE because we
won’t be the policeman of the world
- Universal health care that
pretty much covers everything under all circumstances with no more copays, no
more deductibles for only a small tax on the middle class
- And to top it off, a guaranteed $15 per hour minimum wage
How to pay for the $17-$20-$30
trillion or so in more spending he proposed in 2016?
Tax the rich and Wall Street
The problem is that even if a Sanders’ administration had confiscated
all of the wealth of those greedy billionaire robber-barons, it wouldn’t come
close to covering the new spending he promised.
So stay tuned.
The field of Democrats is
growing larger all the time. How they’ll differentiate themselves from Bernie
while attracting the “Bernie Bros” should be entertaining.
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